
Just stories about the joys and trials of a full time working mom with 2 babies.

Oh, the places you'll go!

Just another travel stories but from a different perspective - mine :)

Thinking out loud.

Musings, randomness and anything in between, a few decibels louder.


An attempt to creative-ness.

Back to where you started.

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you and change the ending. Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Pinas in 2015

just some collection of photos and videos during our recent trip to the Philippines.
here you would see and read about our experiences while visiting Tagaytay, Bohol and Boracay.

Day 0.

(Feb 11). Our trip started with a very pleasant surprise, from Premium Economy, we got upgraded to Business class for free.  It's funny how that turned out, because the hubby was trying to do their bid thing from Cathay Pacific where Business Class seats are up for bidding. He bid for $1,000 per person (one way only) and didn't win so just imagine our surprise when they told us we got upgraded. Yep, that means bed, baby! For a 16-hr straight flight. We also got upgraded to Business Class from Hong Kong to Manila and we're hoping it would be the same deal coming back to the U.S *wishful thinking*.

champagne welcome drink


Day 1. Isdaan

(Feb 12) We arrived in Hong Kong at 5:30 am and left Hong Kong for Manila at 8:36am. We were at Manila Terminal 3 (which looks very nice, by the way) at 10:38 am and didn't leave the building until 11:18am. From there we went straight to Isdaan floating restaurant. We rented a van and I instructed the van to pick-up my family first so we could go straight to Isdaan from the airport. It was a good hour and 10 minutes drive. We had our lunch there and ordered some favorites and a few intriguing dish. There were 6 adults and 2 kids and we still ended up with left overs to take home.

sangbalde at isdaan


I have been to Isdaan before but the one in Tarlac, which I believe is the original one, and it's amusing to see that the one in Laguna is

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

29 weeks

i'm feeling the baby's kicks get stronger. i also noticed that he has now a pattern. like he's awake in the morning, starting 7am. then at some point he'll stop kicking late morning. then will start kicking again in the afternoon, around 2pm til about 5pm. then quiet. then kicks again at night around 8pm til midnight. not sure if he's awake during the wee hours but i did feel him kick from 1am til 4am one time when i can't sleep. hopefully he won't be like that when he's born. i'd love for him to be sleeping from 12am - 7am. ok, he can wake up once for feeding and to change diapers.

29th week is 3rd trimester, and like any pregnant women at this stage i'm feeling more aches and pains. my back hurts all the time. my hips hurts. my pubic area starts to feel heavy and i'm feeling some pain there too. OB said, the pain on the pubic area is because baby's head is probably sitting there now.

the back pain i sorta, kinda can fix by sitting on a yoga ball and rocking myself forward and back, with my feet planted firmly on the floor, so that it's only my hips that's moving. i also learned this stretching tip i learned during my child birth class where you lean your back flat on the wall and you slowly slide down into a squat and stay there for as long as you can. that gives me relief from back pain every time i do that. i try to add 1 - 2 seconds every other day when i do that. nurse also say it helps exercise my pelvic area when i do that.

i bought a pregnancy pillow from leachco and i love it! it's called back 'n belly chic. i bought a boppy pillow a few months back but it really didn't have much support and was too soft. i was trying to save money (back n' belly is $90 and snoogle is around $50) but i ended up spending more because i have both.

it's still hard to eat in the sense that i get full easily, and when i get full, my tummy feels extra heavy and i am miserable going in to bed. i try not to eat after 6pm just so my food had been digested before i go to bed at 10 (or 11). it's hard to stand now too. it makes me dizzy and it feels like my legs are giving in. walking can be daunting too sometimes, because my legs feel heavy. i'm wondering if they are just tight. i feel that way when i run and i don't stretch properly.

i guess that's it for now.

now for a baby bump pic.