
Just stories about the joys and trials of a full time working mom with 2 babies.

Oh, the places you'll go!

Just another travel stories but from a different perspective - mine :)

Thinking out loud.

Musings, randomness and anything in between, a few decibels louder.


An attempt to creative-ness.

Back to where you started.

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you and change the ending. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Project: Rewind

sometimes i would hear a song.
or smell something.
or taste something.
or the breeze felt familiar.

sometimes the angle of sunlight entering our kitchen window suddenly feels relevant.

the sound of rain suddenly takes me back in time.
a memory.

sometimes it will make me smile.
sometimes sad.
sometimes mad.

but sometimes.


i just don’t know how or what to feel.
it’s like watching a very old movie starring you but is not stirring anything. just random fragments of memory.

i’d like to put them in writing as i feel them, hear them. taste them. remember them.

and maybe i’ll give it to my kids.
it will be like looking into the magic pensieve. 
but instead of getting my memory via a wand into a pensieve, it will be “that” notebook.

in the era of internet.

why not.
it’s more personal that way.
atleast that’s how i feel.

Project: Rewind

i like the sound of it.